How to update Fixture Reminder Emails

How to update Fixture Reminder Emails

Spawtz sends out automatic reminder emails to notify players when their next game is. The text in these emails in customisable and this can be a great way to communicate with or market to your players. In this guide we will explain how you can update the text in these emails. 

1Login to your Spawtz site and click on Config in the main navigation. Then click on Autotext Configuration (at the top of the list).

2. You will now see a list of all of the text items which are configurable within Spawtz. At the top of the list you will see Reminder Emails. Select either "Fixture Reminder Email: Day After" or "Fixture Reminder Email: Day Before"

3. On the Autotext details page you can change the following:
  • The version you are editing – Spawtz allows for different venues to have different templates. If you only have one venue or if you would like the changes to apply to all of your venues then ensure that “Company Version” is selected in the Version drop down and that the “Override venue versions” checkbox is checked.
  • Display Name - You can change the display name that comes up on the email.
  • Email Address - You can change the email address it is sending from.
  • Subject - You can edit the subject line.
  • Template - You can add templates within here that you can choose from which will reduce time in the future as you wont have to type the email again just choose the template.
  • Text Type - You can choose if you want the email to be sent in plain text or in HTML. 

4. Edit the content of the email.
  1. There is a basic text editor where you can change the content of the email.
  2. You can also include a range of dynamic fields which Spawtz will automatically fill, such as the players name, their team name and the date of the fixture. These can be added from the “Insert a field” dropdown.
  3. The {Availability Links} field will prompt the player to select whether they are available for the fixture or not. Remember this notifies the team captain of each players availability so we recommend that you don’t remove this.
  4. The text and template can also be edited in HTML if you want to do further customisation. 

 5. Once complete just click “Save” and your changes will be applied. Remember there are two email reminder templates, so be sure to review the “Fixture Reminder Email: Day Before” autotext item too.

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