How Byes work in Spawtz

How Byes work in Spawtz

Each week, it may be necessary for one or more teams to have a “bye”, i.e, not play a fixture.  This may be because you have an odd number of teams in a division, or because you do not have enough playing areas and time slots to cater for all the teams in a division etc.  In these instances, you can create a “Bye” in Spawtz and thereby indicate to the team in question that they do not have a fixture that week.

You can create and view “Byes” in three ways:

1. Via the calendar.  Click the “Show Byes” link and a list of all the teams in any leagues associated to the selected venue with byes that week will be displayed.  From there, you can add, edit and delete byes.

2. On any fixture list (either the list of all the fixtures in a league, or the list of all the fixtures for a team).  Add byes by clicking the “Add Bye” button below the list, edit them by clicking the edit button next to the bye, or delete them by checking the checkbox next to them and clicking “Delete”.

3. By generating fixtures using a template that contains byes.  For more information on how to create or modify fixture generation templates to include byes, please see this KB article




Teams typically receive fixture reminders for their upcoming matches. However, if their next game is a "Bye," they'll get a different email or SMS specific to that bye. You can customize the contents of the bye reminder by editing the "Bye Reminder Email" or "Bye Reminder SMS" autotext items.

Bye Requirements:

To avoid confusion in reminders, teams cannot have both a bye and a fixture on the same date. If you attempt to schedule a bye on a date when the team already has a fixture, or if you try to move a bye to a date with an existing fixture, a validation error message will prompt you to change the date to one without a fixture. Also, teams are limited to one bye per date.


By default, byes don't contribute to standings and are not shown in standings tables. However, if you set the configuration "ShowByesOnStandings" to "True," byes will be included in the standings, and you can specify points and goals for each bye. If teams earn points for byes, it affects their standings and may impact their position in the ladder. For automatically calculated standings, the participants of fixtures involving byes are determined after all standard fixtures are played and all byes are completed, typically before fixture reminder emails are sent.

Note: Byes affect standings, you might be unable to delete or modify byes after entering results for automatically calculated fixtures, as changes to byes could alter the standings and fixture participants.

External Display:

Byes are visible in fixture lists for leagues and teams on the external side of the site.

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