Changing The Fixture Reminder Schedule

Changing The Fixture Reminder Schedule

By default, players receive two reminders for each fixture: one on the day after a fixture (about their upcoming match) and another on the day before a fixture. This provides players with two opportunities to inform their team captains about their availability. As venue or league managers, you also have two chances to communicate fixture details and any other important information to the players.

However, there may be instances where you want to customize these reminders. You might want to toggle them on or off, or you may prefer a different schedule, especially if you create fixtures just one week in advance. For example, receiving reminders on the day after previous fixtures may not be useful if the next fixture hasn't been created yet, resulting in the reminder being skipped.

To modify the fixture reminder schedule for a venue, follow these steps:

1. Click "Config" and then into "Scheduled Task Configuration"

2. Click on the reminder for which you want to modify the schedule 

3. To change the fixture reminder schedule for a particular venue, first select the venue from the "Version" drop down list (note that if you are an administrator, a "Top Level" item will also appear in this list, and this is the item that you should modify if you wish to change the schedule for ALL venues). Then, you can change the schedule using the options in the "Schedule Details" section.  Note that in most instances, it will be sufficient to inherit the fixture reminder schedule from the parent of this item.

4. To modify the fixture reminder schedule for a particular league, simply click the "Reminders" link from the League Details page. Changes on this page will only influence that League. 

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