Seasons Creation

Seasons Creation

Create Seasons 

1) Before we can create leagues we first need to create a season for the league to be placed in. Season dates also effect when fixtures and standings are displayed in the Spawtz site. 
Click Seasons as shown below to enter the seasons screen. 

2) Clicking on Seasons will take you to the screen shown below. Here we can see several seasons and their date ranges are already created. To create a new season, simply click Add Season. 

3) Now we can add details to the season we are going to create. Here you can see that I’ve named the season Cricket Summer Season 2018 and selected a date range for the season. I would suggest over estimating your seasons end date, just in case your league runs over the expected play time. 
Be sure that when creating your season that you take note of the date range, if you have leagues configured outside of the date range for seasons those leagues won’t be displayed on the Spawtz site for your players to view! 
Once the name and dates of the season have been entered, highlight your venue on the left column and click the top single arrow pointing to the right. Here you can see Byron Test Venue has been selected as our venue. 
Next, if you have already created a league you can associate the league with the season just as you did above with the venue. If you haven’t created a league yet that’s ok, you can still save the season without a league selected, just like below. Click save to finish creating your season.

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