Creating/Editing a Fixture in Leagues

Creating/Editing a Fixture in Leagues

This is a longer way to create fixtures for your leagues, but it allows the most level of control over how you want your fixtures to be created. 
1. Start by going to Leagues and clicking on the league you want to the create a fixture for. 

2. Next, click on fixtures located on the left hand side. This will open all the fixtures for this league. Click on Add Fixture to start creating a new fixture.

3. This will take us to the fixture creation screen. Exactly like creating a fixture in the calendar. Venue has already been set when the league was created, select the playing area, set date and time. 

4. In Fixture details, you can see that the league and season have already been selected for you as Spawtz knows which league this fixture is for. So here all you need to fill out are the teams and officials. Click Save to finish creating the fixture.

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