Creating/Editing a Single Fixture in the Calendar

Creating/Editing a Single Fixture in the Calendar

In this article we will go over how to create / edit a single fixture within the calendar
1. In the Spawtz Dashboard, click on Calendar. Below you can see the calendar

2. To select a time slot to make a fixture, simply press the left mouse button at the point you want the fixture to start and keeping the button pressed, drag your mouse to the end time of the fixture. While holding the left mouse button and dragging you will see a little box appear showing the block of time for the fixture. 

3. Now that you’ve selected your time slot, right click on the highlighted area and click Create Fixture. 

4. This will take you to the fixture creation screen. Below you can see a blank fixture creation form, we will cover this step by step. 

5. In Fixture Schedule, most of these options have been chosen for us. Venue and Playing Area, Date/Time and Duration are pre-filled as these options were set from the calendar.

6. In fixture details, select the league and season of the league. If divisions have been set for the league, select the division here. If none have been set, then you can leave this option alone. You do not need to name your fixture but the option is there to if you wish. 
For now, we will leave Fixture Type to standard, we will cover automatically calculated fixtures later in this document. 
Select your Home and Away teams, note that this list will be only contain teams from the previously selected league.

7. Finally, select any umpires for the fixture by highlighting the umpire in the left column and clicking the add or add all button to move the umpire to the Chosen Officials column.  Once the form has been filled, click Save. 

8. Going back to the calendar you will see that the fixture has been created in the chosen venue, court and time

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