Discount Functionality Set-Up

Discount Functionality Set-Up

Discount Functionality Set-Up

The following document will outline the steps involved when settings up the Promo Code and Loyalty discounting functionality. 

Promo Code 
  1. Go to the Config section of the Spawtz control panel. 
  2. Choose the option for "Configuration Settings".
  3. Create a new setting by using the following for a discount of a dollar amount e.g. $50
    1. KEY for Team discounts = Promo-Team-Amount-Winter_Discount-50  (replace Winter_Discount with any name you would like to have for the promo code) (also replace the 50 with the dollar amount of a discount you would like to promo code give). 
    2. KEY for Individual discounts = Promo-Individual-Amount-Winter_Discount-50  (replace Winter_Discount with any name you would like to have for the promo code) (also replace the 50 with the dollar amount of a discount you would like to promo code give). 
    3. VALUE = WINTER50  (this is the value you give to players to use the promo code). 
  4. Or to create a percentage value e.g. 25% use this:
    1. KEY for Team discounts = Promo-Team-Percentage-Winter_Discount-25  (replace Winter_Discount with any name you would like to have for the promo code) (also replace the 25 with the percentage of a discount you would like to promo code give). 
    2. KEY for Individual discounts = Promo-Individual-Percentage-Winter_Discount-25  (replace Winter_Discount with any name you would like to have for the promo code) (also replace the 25 with the percentage of a discount you would like to promo code give). 
    3. VALUE = WINTER25  (this is the value you give to players to use the promo code). 

      Loyalty Discount 
  1. Go to the Config section of the Spawtz control panel. 
  2. Choose the option for "Configuration Settings".
  3. Create a new setting by using the following:
    1. KEY = UseTRLDiscounts
    2. VALUE = True
  4. Create another new setting by using the following:
    1. KEY = SeasonsPlayedForLoyaltyDiscount
    2. VALUE = (this is the number of seasons the teams need to have played before they recieve the loyalty discount.)
  5. Create another new setting by using the following:
    1. KEY = LoyaltyDiscountAmount
    2. VALUE = 100 (this is the amount you would like to give the loyal teams when they have played the above no of seasons.)

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