How can I ensure an even spread of times when generating fixtures?

How can I ensure an even spread of times when generating fixtures?

By default, Spawtz's standard fixture generation templates aim for a balanced distribution of times among teams, preventing any one team from consistently getting the first timeslot each week. However, due to various factors influencing fixture generation, it's not guaranteed that all teams will have an entirely even spread of times.

Consider an 8-team league with four available timeslots each week (18:00, 19:00, 20:00, and 21:00) where teams need to play each other twice during the season. In such cases, fixture generation conditions can be employed to enforce a more equitable spread of playing times for all teams.

In order to ensure that each team gets an even spread of times, you can do the following:

1. Go through the fixture generation process as per normal until you get to "Step 6 of 9: View and Modify Fixture Conditions", click the "Add Condition" button

 Set the condition to be the following:

"All teams must play more than 14 games on any day at 18:00"

2. Click "Save" next to the fixture condition

3. Repeat steps 2 to 4 above for each time slot that you are using (ie in this example, 18:00,19:00, 20:00 and 21:00.) Once you have added all the conditions, click "Next" and proceed through the rest of the fixture generation process as per normal.

4. Spawtz aims to ensure that each team plays more than 14 games in each designated time slot, considering specific conditions. While it's impractical for teams to play 14 games at every slot due to the total number of games being 14, these conditions guide the scheduling order.

Initially, any time slot is open for teams. However, as the scheduling progresses, priority is given to teams with fewer fulfilled conditions. For instance, in the second week, Team A, having played no games at 19:00, gets preference for that slot, and this continues. Eventually, as conditions are met, there's an even spread of times for each team throughout the season.

An alternative is to apply these conditions at the league level to avoid entering them for each fixture generation. Simply click the "Reload conditions from league" button on step 6 of 9 during the generation process. This streamlines the process and ensures consistency.

5. To assess the distribution of games, the "Team Fixture Counts" report provides valuable information. It displays the number of times each team plays against others in the specified season, serving as a useful tool for verifying the generated draw and ensuring the desired spread of games.

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