How to Setup Bookings at your Venue

How to Setup Bookings at your Venue

How to Setup Bookings at your Venue

This guide covers how to setup a Booking Type, Costs and Online Bookings for your Venue.

NOTE: To use Online Bookings you must have a Payment Gateway setup.

  1.        Login as Administrator and navigate to ‘Config’ > ‘Resource Booking Types’

a.      By default the options Practice and Social will be setup on your site. To add a new type enter the details and click Add.

                                                         i.      Value - Booking Type Name eg. Court Hire

                                                       ii.      Minimum Online Booking Time - in minutes the shortest duration you want this booking type used for.

                                                      iii.      Reserved Colour - The colour a booking will appear in the calendar as when reserved

                                                      iv.      Booked Colour - The colour a booking will appear in the calendar as when booked

          2. Once you have added all the Booking types you need then close the Resource Booking Types page and click on Venues > then click on the Venue you want to add bookings to and then click on Playing Areas.

      3. First you need to set what Booking Types can be used on which courts, click on ‘Edit’ to the right of the Court and you will see the Booking Types listed with all set as ‘Applicable’ by default. If all booking types are applicable for this court you can leave them on and move to step 4. If you only want a specific booking type available then click on the ones you don’t want to turn them off, you then will also need to choose which Booking types you want customers to have the ability to Book Online by clicking on/off on all that are applicable. Once complete click ‘Save’.

e               4.     Close the court and then you can set the pricing for each booking type on this court, click on ‘Booking Costs’ to the right of the court. Setting up the costs is straight forward simply choose the Booking   and then fill in the other details listed below. Once complete click ‘Add’.

a.      Cost Type - Costs are either fixed (ie the cost will be the same regardless of how long the court is booked for) or timed (eg $100/hour)

b.      Amount is the amount charged for the set Duration eg. $45 for 60 minutes.

c.       Duration - Used in conjunction with a “timed” cost type. It is the number of minutes that customers will get for the amount in the amount field (ie 100 in the amount field, 60 in the Duration field equates to $100/hour. So does 50 in the amount field, 30 in the duration field)eg. If booking was 120 minutes with the cost of $45 per hour the cost for 120 minutes would be $90.

d.      Minimum the Minimum amount that will be charged regardless of how long the booking has been made for. For a cost type of timed with an amount of 100, a duration of 60 and a minimum cost of 60, if a user books a court for 30 minutes, they will get charged $60 instead of $50, because $50 is below the minimum amount.

           5. Now you have setup the Booking Type on cost you will need to set which days and times the cost is for, click on ‘Time Periods’ to the right of the booking type.

                      6       For each cost, click the “Time Periods” button and enter which day and times you want to charge this amount for. Eg. If you want to charge a premium for weekends eg. $60 per hour instead of $45 per  hour then you can setup 2 Costs and set the “Time Periods” for the weekend on the higher cost and “Time Periods” for weekdays to the lower cost.

a.      Let's say for example that you want the “Peak” cost to apply from 5pm to 9pm every weeknight. To set this accordingly you should add 5 time periods – one for each day of the week and from 17:00 to 20:59.

b.     The system will not allow you to apply two different costs to the same time period for a court. For example, if you have a cost of $100/hour and another cost of $80/hour and you set the $100/hour cost to apply from 17:00 to 20:59 on Mondays and then try to set the $80/hour cost to apply from 20:00 to 23:59 on Mondays, the system will report that you cannot apply the second time period as another cost is already applied to that time period.

                  c.      Note that any bookings created at times that are not covered by any of the time periods you set up will not have a line item created for them.

      7.      Once you have setup a couple of Booking Types on a court you can export the Resource Costs sheet and use Excel to add booking types to other courts, with the same days and times. You can find this sheet by clicking ‘Import/Export Booking Costs’ at the top of the Playing  Areas page on your venue.             

.                8.    When using the Excel sheet to update ensure you use EXACTLY THE SAME NAMES for Courts and Booking types as you have setup in Spawtz, any extra spaces or spelling mistakes will mean the updates will  fail. 

              9.    You can then import your updates via the same page by clicking ‘Browse’ to the right of the import option and loading the Bookings file you have edited. Then click ‘Import’.

             10.   Next you will need to turn on online bookings click on ‘Online Booking Preferences’ in the Venue and click ‘Allow Online Booking’.

                11.   You can now set which days and times you allow online bookings. NOTE: if you haven’t setup the booking types for all days on your courts then customers will not be able to book on those days.

a.      Tick Allow on the days you wish people to Book Online for and then set the earliest start and latest end time you wish to allow bookings for.

              12.   Now you need to setup the rest of the online booking details.

a.      Exclusion Dates - These are dates on which the venue is closed or on which online bookings should not be accepted.

b.      Allowable Booking Window – Either the default which is 14 days or you can set to specific values, this means you can allow people to book only a specific amount a days ahead of time eg. 7 days, 14 days etc.

c.       Booking Interval - The interval, in minutes, on which bookings will be accepted.

                                                         i.      For example, if you set this to 30 minutes, bookings slots will be available every 30 minutes - eg, 9:00, 9:30, 10:00 etc.

                                                       ii.      If you set it to 45 minutes, the available slots would be 9:00, 9:45, 10:30 etc etc. If you leave this field blank, the default of 60 will be used.

d.      Allowable Deposit Percentage - The percentage of the price of a booking that customers must pay to confirm their booking. Set as 0 if the full price must be paid to confirm the booking.

e.      Inform Email Addresses – This is the centre email address or if you have a specific email address or if you want to receive notifications of bookings.

f.      Notes/Instructions and Closed Notes/Instructions – these are legacy functions no longer used.

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