How to use the 'Bulk Move' feature on your Fixtures

How to use the 'Bulk Move' feature on your Fixtures

In Spawtz if you needed to move multiple fixtures in bulk, either to change the date of the fixtures or move fixtures between courts there is a Bulk Move tool you can use.
  1. To access this function first open the League you wish to edit the fixtures for and then click on the 'Fixtures' tab to the left of the page. At the top of the Fixtures list the 'Move' button will be greyed out. To allow you to move fixtures first tick the checkbox on the left of each of the Fixtures you wish to edit.

  2. Click the 'Move' button, you will now be able to make the following edits:
    1. Date changes
      1. 'Move these 2 selected items to dd/mm/yyyy' allows you to move all selected fixtures to a specific date.
      2. 'Add '0' days to each of these X items dates' allows you to add days to each fixture which means if you added 7 days this would move all fixtures forward 1 week, 14 days would move them forward 2 weeks and so on.
    2. Locations changes
      1. 'Move fixtures on {VENUE NAME, COURT} to {VENUE NAME, COURT}' this will allow you to move the fixtures from one court to another in bulk.

  3. Once you have entered the changes you wish to make click 'Move' and the selected fixtures will be updated.

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