Junior Registrations - Admin Set-Up

Junior Registrations - Admin Set-Up

The following document will run through the configuration setup and league setup that need to be completed when setting up a league for junior registrations.

Configuration Setup

1.  Add the "UseJuniors" & "
UseTeamIndividualPrice" configuration setting. 
  1. Go to the "Config" section and select "Configuration Settings".

  2. In the Key field enter "UseJuniors" and set the value to "True" and hit the add button.

  3. Also in the Key field enter "UseTeamIndividualPrice" and set the value to "True" and hit the add button.
2. Create the "Junior Team Organiser" role.
  1. Go to the "Config" section and click on "Team Roles"

  2. Hit the "Add New" button and create the Junior Team Organiser role using the below settings. Once these settings have been applied hit save at the bottom of the page. 

  1. When the role is saved then scroll to the bottom of the page and ensure you have set the Junior Team Organise role as the Default Junior Team Creator role.

Step 3 - Create a new Junior class. 
  1. Go to the "Config" section and select "Classes" 

  2. Once you are within here you will then need to add a new class. Give it a name like "Junior (NEW)" and ensure you set the "Type" to be "Junior".
NOTE: The above process only needs to be completed the first time you are setting up for Junior Registrations.

League Setup

1. Create your Junior leagues using your newly created class (If you have any previous junior league they will need to be recreated using the newly created class). 

2. Juniors is based on a Team Individual Price cost structure, meaning each child pays a individual fee for registration, to setup the fee follow these 3 steps.
  1. Go to your newly created league and go to the "Details" page.
  2. Scroll down to the "Cost" section.
  3. Enter your individual full season fee cost into the "Team Individual Price" as seen below then scroll to the bottom and click save.

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