League Creation

League Creation

League Creation 

1) Now that we have our season setup we can move on to creating a league. Go to leagues and click Add New to start creating a league. 

2) Below you can see a blank league creation page. There is a lot to cover here but we will be going through the process step by step.

3) Starting from the top and working our way down, let’s fill out the League Details. First add a name for the League, here you can see that we’ve chosen Monday Cricket as an example. Then select your sport, Cricket in this case.  
Next select the Cricket Fixture Stats, for other sports I would recommend selecting Leading Goal Scorer. Next enter the maximum number of teams for the league, I would recommend putting in more than you would expect. 
You can also tick the tick boxes to allow Team and/or Individuals to register for the league on line through Spawtz. Below you can see that only Teams are able to register online. Finally, we have the days that the league can be played on, as this is Monday Cricket, only Monday has been selected. 

4) Move down the page, I’ve entered in some mock costings for the league. Click on the blue question mark in the top right corner of Costs for more information on what each cost means. 
Next, we have a description for the league. These are your notes on the league and these can not be viewed by the customer. 
Below that we have venues, this works the same as venues in seasons, select which venues the league will be hosted in and click the top arrow to move the venue to the right column.

5) Next, we have the scoring system and season to setup. Since this league is for cricket we’ve chosen the Cricket Score Service and entered some score values for Wins, Draws etc. 
The final step for league creation is to associate the league with a season. As you can see, we’ve associated our league with the season we previously created. That’s it, click Save and you’ve finished creating your league.

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