Merge Duplicate Users

Merge Duplicate Users

Merge Duplicate Users

You may find that some users have registered for Spawtz more than once, this can be a problem for many reasons, but the solution is very simple, just merge the duplicate accounts together. 

 1) Refer to Deleting Users + Search for Users to search for the users you need to merge. 
 2) Once you’ve found the user accounts, click the two tick boxes for the user.  

3) Once you have selected both of your users click Merge Users. 

4) To find the date that the user was created simply find the user, click their first name and scroll down to find the date just under the Notes section. 
5) A ‘Merge Users’ screen will appear asking to confirm that you want to merge the users and which user account should be kept. Always choose to keep the account that is older, the last step shows you where to find the date. Once done, click merge. 

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