Scorer Guide with Mobile

Scorer Guide with Mobile

How to score matches on Spawtz Scorer 4 using Smartphones (iPhone, Samsung, HTC etc) and wi-fi-enabled handheld devices (eg iPod touch, tablets)

1. Introduction
This guide details how to set up a smartphone (eg iPhone, Samsung, HTC) or handheld device (eg iPod touch, tablets) to control the scoreboard as an alternative/replacement to the 6-button scoring remotes. 
To utilise this functionality the:  
  1. centre must have wi-fi. 
  2. device must be able to connect to wi-fi.  
  3. device and scoreboard computer must be on the same network. 

2. Pairing the device to the Spawtz Scorer 4 
2.1. Retrieve settings from Spawtz Scorer 4 
  1. Open Spawtz Scorer 4 for the court you wish to pair the device to. 
  2. Open configuration settings 

      c. From configuration settings select the Remote Control Settings tab.

      d. The Smartphone Controller settings section contains the necessary information for pairing a device to that specific scoreboard. Note: each scoreboard will have unique settings.


2.2. Pairing the device

      a. On the device, open a web browser (eg safari, firefox, chrome)
      b. In the address bar type in the Http Remote Url from step 2.10 (eg
      c. When prompted for a Court PIN, input the Court PIN from step 2.10 (eg 4294) 

      d. If you are using an iPhone you will need to add the page to homescreen to be able to view the page in fullscreen (further information). 

3. Using the device with Spawtz Scorer 4 

      a. The buttons that now appear in the browser of the device work in identical fashion to the buttons of the scoring remote.  They can be used to navigate through the menu as well as scoring games.

      b. To navigate through the menu
            1. To go up  “+”
            2. To go down “-“
            3. To go back “Clock”
            4. To go forward (select an option) “Menu” 

4. Scoring Fixtures 
At the main menu you will see the following screen.  (If you are on the login screen, or any other screen keep clicking back to get to this page) 

Open Fixtures from a website 
This is the best method for scoring fixtures.  When using this method, fixture details are fetched from your online CMS control panel in real time and when they are saved, the results are uploaded to the control panel immediately as well. Thus automatically updating, ladders and statistics for players to view online. 
Once you have selected "Open fixtures from a website" you will be presented with a screen that asks you to enter the website details: the website URL, your username and your password. This should be saved, so you should not have to enter any details. Should the fields be blank contact your centre manager/owner for the login details.  

Note: Keyboard can either be displayed or hidden depending on configuration settings. 
Click “Next” and the application will attempt to contact the server to verify your login details. If this verification is successful you will be transferred to the next step.   
You will then be prompted to select a court; select the court that this computer is on and either double click on it or select it and click “Next”. 

Finally the system will ask you to select the date.  Today’s date is the default value and you can just click “Next” to move to a list of the fixtures on this court on this date.

The information above is again stored in the configuration settings of the application, so on subsequent times when the application is opened, the arena and court information will be assumed to be the same, and the date will be assumed to be today’s date so you will immediately be presented with a list of fixtures for that court for that date. 
You can now select a fixture from the list or you can choose to start fixtures automatically.

4.2. Start fixtures automatically 

If you start fixtures automatically then the Spawtz system will run the games according to the start times in the list.  Once a game has finished Spawtz will automatically save and upload the result and countdown to the next fixture. 

Once the counter reaches zero the game starts.

You can add/remove goals from the Home/Away teams by pushing the “+” and “-“ buttons. 

Running Games Individually

Use the “+” and “-“ buttons on the scoring remote to choose the correct game and then select the game by pressing “Menu“. 

Select the colour for the home team and press “Menu” 

Select the colour for the away team and press “Menu” 
You can start/stop the game by pushing “Clock” and scorer using the “+” and “-“ buttons. 
During the game you can push “Menu” to bring up the menu.  From here you can: 
  1. Return to Fixture (hide the Menu)  
  2. Change the period (eg switch from first half to second half) 
  3. Change the clock (eg change the clock from 10 minutes remaining to 5 minutes remaining)  
  4. Hide Period Scores (hide scores for each half/quarter and only show total score)  
  5. Save Fixture and Exit (save the result)  
  6. Exit Without Saving Fixture (do not save the result) 
Once the game is complete you can either “Save Fixture and Exit” or you can “Exit Without Saving” by bringing up the menu and selecting the relevant option. 

4.2. Open fixtures from a file

Instead of loading the fixtures from your Spawtz website, you can download the fixtures to a file and run them without requiring an internet connection. 
Downloading fixtures for a court

In a browser (eg Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer) open your Spawtz site. 
From the Dashboard select “Download and Upload Statistics Application Files” 

In the “Download” box, select the Venue, Playing Area and Date that you’d like to download fixtures for. 

Click “Download” and save the file onto a USB drive.  
Insert the USB drive into the scoring laptop (eg Court 4 laptop) and copy the file onto the Desktop. 

Open fixtures from a file 

From the scoring laptop select “Open fixtures from a file” 
Browse to find the file that you just place on the desktop and select “Next” 
Now you can start the fixtures automatically or individually as above. 

Upload Fixtures 
You can either upload the fixtures, from the court laptop.  Otherwise transfer the file you placed on the Desktop earlier to another computer with an internet connection. 
In a browser (eg Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer) open your Spawtz site. 
From the Dashboard select “Download and Upload Statistics Application Files” 

In the upload box, hit “Choose File” to browse to the file, and click “Upload”. 

On the next page, if everything is correct you will see the fixtures and the scores.  Select the fixtures you want to upload and clock “Process”. 

On the next page you should receive a message that the results were uploaded successfully. 

4.3. Create New Fixture

This creates an instant fixture. This fixture is not part of any league or linked to any teams in the Spawtz system.  To create fixtures for a league do this from your Spawtz site and then come back  “Open fixtures from a website”. 
If you just want to quickly start a fixture and do not need to record the result as part of a league then from the main menu select “Create a new fixture”. 

You will be asked to Enter a Home and Away team name, select a Sport, select a Home and Away team colours. 
Score the match as above. The half/quarter times are taken from those set in the Configuration settings. 

5. Standard Troubleshooting for Smartphone scoring 
“The remote name could not be resolved”  
  1. This means that the scoring laptop cannot connect to your Spawtz page.  In 99% of cases this is because the scoreboard laptop is not connected to the internet.  Check the connection by attempting to browse to your Spawtz page (eg
Smartphone page reads “This site can’t be reached”  

There are a few possible reasons for this: 
  1. The smartphone is not connected the correct wifi network.  The smartphone and scoring laptop must be on the same network (eg Australian Demo Indoor Sports Wifi)  
  2. The laptop is not connect to the correct network. 
  3. The scoring URL (eg that you are trying on the smartphone is incorrect.  Check the configuration settings to see which URL is the correct URL to connect to the scoreboard laptop.
My scoreboard URL is 
  1. This is a special URL which means that your laptop is not connected to a network 
The scoring URL keeps changing 
  1. talk to your IT team to get a static IP address setup on your sites devices.
The scoring URL ends in ‘8001’ instead of 8000
A possible reason for this is that Spawtz Scorer is open twice on the scoreboard laptop.  
  1. Close all Spawtz Scorer windows on the scoreboard laptop  Start up Spawtz Scorer again 
When I push the buttons nothing happens.
A possible reason for this is that Spawtz Scorer is open twice on the scoreboard laptop.  
  1. Close all Spawtz Scorer windows on the scoreboard laptop  Start up Spawtz Scorer again 

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