Setting the Time Per Period and/or the Number of Periods for a Sport/League

Setting the Time Per Period and/or the Number of Periods for a Sport/League

Setting the Time Per Period and/or the Number of Periods for a Sport/League

By default, the Spawtz Scoreboard application will specify that there are four quarters of ten minutes each for netball and soccer games.  You can change these defaults on a company wide, venue or league basis.

To change the number or makeup of periods for a particular sport at either the company or the venue level, do the following:

1) Log in to the Spawtz League and Venue Management system (ie, your online control panel).

2) Click "Config".

3) Click "Scoresheet Configuration".

4) Click on the sport that you want to modify the default periods for.

5) To modify the sport periods at the company level (if you have permission to do so), leave the "Version" drop down as is (ie, with "Company version" selected), otherwise select the venue that you want to modify the periods for from the drop down list.

6) In the "Time Period" details section, edit, delete or add periods as necessary.  Note that the "Name" field will be displayed on the scoreboard, the "Time" field will be the time that the period takes to be played (in the format MM:SS where MM is minutes and SS is seconds), the "Time Before Next Period" field will be the amount of time that the scoreboard will count down before starting the next period.

To change the number or makeup of periods for a particular league, do the following:

1) Log in to the Spawtz League and Venue Management system (ie, your online control panel).

2) Click "Leagues".

3) Click on the name of the league that you want to modify periods for.

4) Click "Scorer settings".

5) In the "Time Period" details section, edit, delete or add periods as necessary.  Note that the "Name" field will be displayed on the scoreboard, the "Time" field will be the time that the period takes to be played (in the format MM:SS where MM is minutes and SS is seconds), the "Time Before Next Period" field will be the amount of time that the scoreboard will count down before starting the next period.

6) If you want the league to inherit the period times from the venue or company level, delete all the periods in the list (or leave the list blank if you have not yet added any periods)

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